Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Mile 900, Out of VVR and into Reds Meadow

  Another day of not that many pics (3 total). It's tough when mosquitoes are thick. I don't even remember what this is but it's better than the other two. 
I'm right around mile 900
Got up feeling not so great, probably from the beer and staying up late. It was nothing that a cup of coffee and 2 big breakfast burritos couldn't cure. Everyone was planning on taking the ferry boat to the trail, but I saw a trail that went to the PCT and was only about 4 or so more miles. With the ferry being 10$ or 18$, I took off on the walk. VVR was great, kinda expensive, but they kinda are off in the middle of nowhere. I didn't do too badly in terms of money there, only 2 burgers 2 burritos and 10$ for beer. You could really rack up a bill if you weren't careful. The JMT hiker food really helped. The homemade dehydrated meals are awesome; it's like good town food and there's a great variety. The trail I hiked went over a non-PCT pass. It was a good walk, besides the mosquitoes were getting into the territory where it's dense, like you stop and there's 10-30 hovering, or on you. The pass had a lot of snow on the north side but I had fun. I did my 10 or so miles of non-PCT and I guess my way on the trail was faster than waiting for the ferry and doing 6 PCT miles because I beat everyone. The rest of the days hike was great too. 7 or so miles to Reds Meadow store, then a hitch to Mammoth where we will celebrate Spitfire's birthday, and have more town food. Then I'll see if my friend from home, Calvin, maybe Maurice, and Kingsley (Calvin's dog) are coming out for the weekend. I'll have to find a good weekend hike for them. Should be pretty easy up here in the amazing high Sierras.

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